Tantra Reiki, it's crucial to dispel a common misconception: the idea that tantra is predominantly a sexual ritual. This notion is far from the truth. Tantra, in reality, encompasses a broad spectrum of practices, with sexuality being just one aspect among many.
Tantra, in its true essence, is a profound subject with multifaceted areas of study. This includes Tantra Yoga, Tantra Reiki, and yes, tantric sex. Our emphasis will be on the Reiki healing aspect, known as Tantra Reiki.
In the ancient religious traditions of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, tantra is recognized as one of the three primary methods of divine worship. The other two are mantra and yantra. These three – tantra, mantra, and yantra – represent distinct pathways through which humans can tap into the universe's power to fulfill their earthly duties.
Mantra involves invoking cosmic forces using the power of the mind and thought, while yantra employs willpower for the same purpose. Tantra, on the other hand, utilizes bodily power. Breaking down the word 'tantra' into 'tan' and 'tra' reveals its meaning as a 'bodily vehicle' – 'tan' signifies body and 'tra' indicates a mode of transmission. This symbolism points to the body being used as a conduit for energy transfer and transformation.
In Sanskrit, the word 'tantra' also signifies a system or a tool. This dual meaning encapsulates the essence of tantra as a spiritual system that employs the body as a tool for spiritual development and enlightenment. Tantra, therefore, is not just about esoteric practices but is a holistic approach to utilizing our physical existence for spiritual advancement. 🌌
Remarkably, tantra underscores the significance of the physical body in our spiritual journey. This perspective is crucial, as it acknowledges the body's role as a vital instrument in achieving higher consciousness and making impactful changes in the world.
While tantric sex is one such practice, it's important to remember that it's just one part of a much broader system. Yoga, too, can be seen as a form of tantra, where we use our bodies through asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and dhyana (meditation) to attain a higher state of consciousness and well-being.
♥️ Tantric Reiki, in particular, refines traditional Reiki practices, enhancing their efficacy.
Tantra Reiki shares similarities with traditional Reiki in terms of operational techniques, like where and how to apply touch and the use of Reiki symbols. However, Tantra Reiki distinguishes itself in the spiritual and mental state of the practitioner before and during the healing process.
To fully grasp Tantra Reiki, it's essential to understand the energy channels in our body as described in ancient Hindu literature.
These channels, or 'nadis', are threefold: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.
🚺 Ida (Shakti), located on the left side, embodies feminine energy with its lunar qualities, the past, memories, desires, enjoyments, intuition, generosity, nurturing, creativity, subconscious, parasympathetic, emotions, akin to the 'Yin' in Chinese philosophy.
🚹 Pingala (Shiva), on the right side, is its masculine counterpart, representing solar energy, thoughts, stable, goal driven, stability, logical, sympathetic state, Supra consciousness, planning, actions, concentration, similar to 'Yang'.
These two energies are symbolized by the deities Shakti (Ida) and Shiva (Pingala).
This unification enables the practitioner to connect with the client on a deep tantric level, merging their auras and chakras with profound compassion. Such a connection transcends physical boundaries and is even applicable in distance healing. In this unified state, the healer and client become one spiritual entity, enhancing the effectiveness of the healing process.
This is the essence of Tantra Reiki: maintaining all the fundamental elements of traditional Reiki, but elevating the spiritual and mental approach. Here, healing transcends the individual – the practitioner and client are not separate entities but a single, harmonious whole, connected to the cosmos. 🌎 The resulting healing is more profound than conventional methods.