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Summer Solstice: Cacao Ceremony + Sound Bath
Summer Solstice: Cacao Ceremony + Sound Bath

Sat, Jul 06



Summer Solstice: Cacao Ceremony + Sound Bath

Summer Solstice celebration featuring a magical blend of ancient traditions – a cacao ceremony and sound bath experience. Immerse yourself in the rich history and healing properties of cacao as we honor the longest day of the year.

Time & Location

Jul 06, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Magnolia, 5428 Farm to Market Rd 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354, USA

About the event

Enter upon on a mystical pilgrimage to honor the Summer Solstice in the sacred tradition of the Huichol people. Join our ceremonial circle as we pay homage to the sun deity with a sacred cacao ritual and resonant sound journey. Allow the spirit of Wirikuta to guide your soul as we connect with the ancient wisdom of our Huichol ancestors. Through the sacred plant medicine of cacao, we invoke the blessings of the earth and the divine, embracing the teachings of our elders. Surrender to the rhythmic pulse of the drum, the song of the maracas, and the haunting melodies of the ancestral flute, as we commune with the spirits of nature and the cosmos. Together, let us dance in harmony with the celestial energies of the solstice, weaving our intentions into the fabric of creation. Join us in this sacred celebration to honor the cycles of life and the eternal dance of light and darkness.


Cacao has a long-standing history of opening the heart and boosting mood, and today, more and more people—myself included!—are exploring its benefits through cacao ceremonies.

What is a cacao ceremony?

At its core, a cacao ceremony is any sort of ceremony in which a cacao beverage is consumed to elevate the spiritual ritual(s) being practiced.

The cacao used in these ceremonies is chocolate in its purest form. Cacao beans or seeds come from the fruit of the cacao tree and have a distinctly bitter flavor. They're also chock-full of nutrients, making cacao a superfood that has been used in ceremonies dating back to the Mayans, Aztecs, Olmecs and other indigenous cultures in Central and South America. Today, the bitter bean has made its way from Latin America to many corners of the world for casual sipping and ceremonies alike.

Benefits of a cacao ceremony

  • Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work & inner-processing. 
  • Being in a sacred space helps you get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights & perspectives. 
  • Depending on the intention of the ceremony they can also be wonderful places to connect with people in a safe, open-hearted environment. 
  • Sharing cacao brings us into the same energetic frequency. This often results in deeper more intimate connection with ourselves and each other.
  • Cacao, the main ingredient in chocolate, is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, magnesium, and other essential minerals that promote heart health, reduce stress, and boost mood.


If any symptoms do present, drink lots of water, get some rest and it will pass.

  • DETOX: Cacao can stimulant detox symptoms in some cases. If this happens, take it as a blessing and drink plenty of water as your body lets go of whatever it didn’t like.
  • ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Pure cacao contains tyramine, which could react with an MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) antidepressant medication and cause a migraine. It’s still possible that cacao could react with other types of antidepressants. 
  • HEART CONDITION: Cacao increases blood flow and could cause undesirable stress on such a condition.
  • WATER AND FOOD: I don’t generally recommend fasting before a cacao experience, because it increases the possibility of nausea/upset stomach without a significant deepening of the experience. But that’s up to personal preference, and a lot of facilitators do still ask that people come on an empty stomach or just not eat within a couple hours of a ceremony. Please drink plenty of water.
  • PREGNANCY / BREASTFEEDING: Be aware that theobromine is a stimulant & increases heart rate & lowers blood pressure. Like coffee or tea, it is important to reduce the intake of stimulating foods. The theobromine in cacao, which is very similar to caffeine, has a stimulating effect.
  • KIDS: I leave this up to the discretion of parents. Just like adults, different children may react differently to cacao. 
  • SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Listen to your body, remember that you are responsible for yourself and your own health. 
  • EPILEPTIC: High consumption of cacao stimulates the brain and there is also scientific research to suggest a possible connection between caffeine & cacao consumption and increased seizures.  Scientific research / evidence is still inconclusive, but I would err on the side of caution if you have a history of epilepsy. It is also important for the sake of other participants that we create a safe environment where there is little risk of disruption.
  • CAFFEINE SENSITIVITY: If you are sensitive to caffeine, it can affect your sleep - though cacao contains far less than coffee - about a tenth of the amount. People often find they actually sleep really well and dream vividly after consuming ceremonial cacao.
  • ALLERGIC OR SENSITIVE TO THEOBRAOMINE: It can trigger headaches or migraines in some people. (You will probably already know if this is you.) In some cases, a smaller amount will be fine depending on how sensitive you are.


Let your self go to the healing vibrations & frequencies of sound. With the use of various musical instruments such as: crystal singing bowls, temple wind gong, flow chimes, native drum, etc. Our sessions may also include guided breathwork and/or guided meditation. These practices will help you connect with your breath, quiet your mind, and cultivate a state of personal solitude. During your inner meditative journey you will activate your body’s natural ability to heal at a cellular level, emotional release, deep relaxation, and peace within. Beyond the physical and emotional benefits, a sound bath session can help you tap into your core philosophy and weave lucidity. It's a unique opportunity to connect with your higher self and explore the depths of your consciousness.

🌻 SUMMER SOLSTICE - 6/20/2024 🌻

As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, radiating abundant energy and illuminating our souls. The summer solstice has been celebrated for centuries across different cultures and traditions. It represents a time of renewal, growth, and spiritual awakening.


🔸 What to bring with you for this event?

We encourage you to wear cozy clothing. Feel free to have water and any meditation supplies you want; such as: crystals, a journal, etc, as we elevate our minds! Make sure you have a yoga mat, pillows, and blankets, or whatever helps you feel comfortable. You will be laying on the floor during the session.

🔸 What does Sound Bath feel like during the session?

Perceptions vary from person to person. However, deep relaxation is most widely reported. Often other feelings include warmth, cold, feeling very light or heavy and tingling. People often see colors with their eyes closed. Some have vivid dreams or memories that arise. It is also common to have certain emotions that surface up that have been suppressed. Whether a person feels a lot or a little does not indicate the amount of help is giving. Awareness varies from person to person and in each session. Energy healing works on all levels, some of which are very deep and outside of our awareness. Some people relax into sleep which is perfectly fine and does not effect the treatment in any way.

🔸 What will I feel like after the session?

Relaxation is most commonly reported—both in the session and after. Other common outcomes are feeling lighter, unburdened, less pain, well-rested, more balanced, and easy going. Positive effects take place on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and last for days, weeks and for some even longer.

Rarely, we may feel a bit down, moody or have physical symptoms such as a headache or tiredness indicating a healing reaction. Generally, this cycle of processing and release resolves within a couple of days as we shift into a state much better than before the session. If you experience any discomfort, please remember this is actually a positive sign that much healing is taking place. Always contact your practitioner if you are concerned.

🔸 Do not eat 2 hours before the session & avoid caffeine, alcohol, or substances.

We advise to not consume any meals within 2 hours of the session. You may have a light snack or water, but do your best to curb consumption so you can have a comfortable session.

🔸 Be open & set your intention(s.

There is no “one size fits all” mold for energy healing. Your body is going to release exactly what it needs, in the moment, and the most important thing you can do is to honor what your body needs. Stay in your space and focus on your own experience without thinking it should be a certain way. The times where we surrender and allow ourselves to be open are when we receive the most beautiful messages.

🔸 What should I do after the session?

  1.  Stay hydrated.  Drink lots of water, reframe from alcohol and caffeine.
  2. Rest.  If possible, schedule your session at a time where you’ll have the rest of the day off to relax or sleep. It’s important to not push yourself too hard after a Sound Bath, because your body will probably want to rest. In addition, I highly recommend disconnecting from technology for the rest of the day, as this will help your nervous system to decompress and relax. Yes, this means switching off your phone!
  3. Let your emotions flow.  When you freely allow yourself to feel (without repressing the emotions and without judging any emotions as good or bad), then you allow healing at a very deep level. Most of us have been taught by society to stifle our emotions, which causes massive damage in the long-run.
  4. Be patient and observant. Sometimes the results from a Sound Bath are not immediately apparent. It may take a few weeks or even a few months before you can really perceive all that has shifted. It’s important not to get lost in impatience, doubt, or self-criticism. Healing happens on its own schedule.
  5. Embrace detox symptoms.  When you receive sound healing, your body shifts into a higher frequency. When this happens, a is often triggered; this is also known as the “healing crisis.” When you are detoxing, you may experience a runny nose, sneezing, soreness, headaches, joint or muscular pain, fatigue, acne, rashes, extra mucus, or even fever and diarrhea. This is simply your body cleansing itself of old patterns and toxins, which are then coming to the surface to be released. Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water and fresh, raw vegetable juice and eat a colorful diet.
  6. Embrace the changes.  After your first session, you may have needs and wants that differ from your normal routine. The important thing is to listen to yourself and give yourself permission to find out what feels good for you.


  • Energy healing, sound healing as well as Reiki are considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.
  • Photography/Videography Disclaimer: By entering an event, you are entering an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur. Your entry and presence on the event premises constitutes your consent to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded and to the release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance and  voice for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with Gilded Rose Spa and its initiatives, including, by way of example only, use on websites, in social media, news and advertising. By entering the event premises, you waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of you at the event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media. You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent. If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not enter the event premises.
  • Please understand that all sales are final.


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    +Service fee



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